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price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "cacophonie" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "prendre l'air" - sculpture, 26x22 cm ©2017 by elisabeth faucheur - outsider art, other, bronze, people, sculpture bronze, outsider art, sculpture personnage, ventilateur, galerie d'art, atelier elisabeth fauheur collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "prendre l'air" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "sans titre" - sculpture, 38x15 cm ©2017 by elisabeth faucheur - outsider art, bronze, people, mappe monde, sculpture bronze, art singulier, galerie d'art, atelier de sculpture, le monde, sculpture personnage collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "sans titre" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "petite migraine et la dernière goutte" - sculpture, 39x17 cm ©2017 by elisabeth faucheur - bronze, people, sculpture, sculpture bronze, art singulier, art contemporain, elisabeth faucheur, goutte d'eau, galerie collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "petite migraine et la dernière goutte" sculpture -- ©2009 elisabeth faucheur "qui de nous deux" - painting, 45x12 cm ©2009 by elisabeth faucheur - collect this art! $0.00 elisabeth faucheur ~ "qui de nous deux" painting -- © elisabeth faucheur "encore bleue" - sculpture, 62x32 cm ©2016 by elisabeth faucheur - paper, people, sculpture, art contemporain, sculpture personnage, mappe monde, globe terrestre, art singulier collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "encore bleue" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "le trio" - sculpture, 35x20 cm ©2016 by elisabeth faucheur - other, wood, bronze, people, sculpture, sculptures choristes, choriste, art singulier, microphone ancien, art, art contemporain collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "le trio" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "sans titre" - sculpture, 60x37 cm ©2016 by elisabeth faucheur - wood, people, sculpture, sculpture art singulier, sculpture bois, art contemporain, sculpture personnage collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "sans titre" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "cry me a river" - sculpture, 118x48 cm ©2015 by elisabeth faucheur - other, music, cry me a river, sculpture, art contemporain, musique, art singulier, sculpture pour musicien, trompette, piano collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "cry me a river" sculpture -- ©2004 elisabeth faucheur la sirène mosaïque taille humaine - sculpture, 1.2x1.5 m ©2004 by elisabeth faucheur - sculpture mosaique collect this art! $3,277.68 elisabeth faucheur ~ la sirène mosaïque taille humaine sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur " petit tobe or not tobe" - sculpture, 34x57 cm ©2015 by elisabeth faucheur - metal, animals, sculpture chien, sculpture acier, sculpture acier chien, art singulier, art contemporain, chien collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ " petit tobe or not tobe" sculpture -- ©2018 elisabeth faucheur ""fanfarlo" - sculpture, 36x22 cm ©2018 by elisabeth faucheur - outsider art, bronze, music, joueur de tuba, art singulier, galerie, atelier sculpture, art contemporain, tuba, instrument de musique, bretagne, auray collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ ""fanfarlo" sculpture -- ©2018 elisabeth faucheur "réveil de petite migraine" - sculpture, 18x13 cm ©2018 by elisabeth faucheur - outsider art, bronze, people, réveil, art singulier, art brut, sculpture, atelier d'art, galerie, bretagne, auray collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "réveil de petite migraine" sculpture -- ©2018 elisabeth faucheur "danseuse galet" - sculpture, 15x13 cm ©2018 by elisabeth faucheur - concrete art, bronze, women, danseuse bronze, atelier d'artiste, galerie, art contemporain, danseuse, danse collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "danseuse galet" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "la fille du port" - sculpture, 25x16 cm ©2016 by elisabeth faucheur - bronze, people, sculpture bronze, art singulier, art contemporain, sculpture nu, nu de femme collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "la fille du port" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "secret de polichinelle" - sculpture, 50x19 cm ©2017 by elisabeth faucheur - bronze, people, sculpture, polichinelle, art singulier, sculpture polichinelle, art contemporain collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "secret de polichinelle" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "napoléon" - sculpture, 28x15 cm ©2017 by elisabeth faucheur - other, animals, l'empereur, machot empereur, sculpture, sculpture manchot, art singulier, art brut, atelier d'artiste, galerie collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "napoléon" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "corbeau des mers" - sculpture, 75x18 cm ©2014 by elisabeth faucheur - other, animals, sculpture cormoran, cormoran, sculpture animalière, art singulier, galerie d'art, sculpteur art brut collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "corbeau des mers" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "good morning, france" - sculpture, 31x25 cm ©2016 by elisabeth faucheur - bronze, people, good morning france, sculpture bronze, sculpture, micro ancien, art singulier collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "good morning, france" sculpture -- ©2011 elisabeth faucheur "le voyage" - sculpture, 40 cm ©2011 by elisabeth faucheur - sculpture, bronze, artiste contemporain collect this art! $3,511.80 elisabeth faucheur ~ "le voyage" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "abandon" - sculpture, 34x18 cm ©2015 by elisabeth faucheur - bronze, people, sculpture, art contemporain, sculpture personnage, bronze, sculpture bronze, abandon collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "abandon" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "le cri" - sculpture ©2015 by elisabeth faucheur - wood, men, rondelle de noyer, sculpture bois, art contemporain, sculpture personnage, art brut collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "le cri" sculpture -- ©2013 elisabeth faucheur "jour nuit" - sculpture, 46x15 cm ©2013 by elisabeth faucheur - sculpture bronze, personnage bronze, art singulier, jour et nuit collect this art! sold elisabeth faucheur ~ "jour nuit" sculpture -- ©2018 elisabeth faucheur "le cycliste" - sculpture, 30x32 cm ©2018 by elisabeth faucheur - outsider art, other, bronze, bike, sculptures, elisabeth faucheur, atelier d'artistes, bretagne, golfe du morbihan, auray collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "le cycliste" sculpture -- ©2018 elisabeth faucheur "solaire" - sculpture, 65x65 cm ©2018 by elisabeth faucheur - outsider art, other, vegetable, atelier d'artiste, auray, bretagne, elisabeth faucheur, galerie, sculpture collect this art! price on request elisabeth faucheur ~ "solaire" sculpture -- © elisabeth faucheur "portrait de famille" - sculpture, 54x37x12 cm ©2017